Dandelion Productions is an entertainment-booking agency, based in the Washington DC area engaged in the booking of tours & one-off shows worldwide. We work with a select group of artists and entertainers including the legendary Melodians of “By the Rivers of Babylon” fame, among others.
The Melodians are one of Jamaica’s greatest vocal harmony groups cutting a series of classic singles during the Rocksteady era of the late ’60s and early ’70s that included the internationally famed “Rivers of Babylon” & “Sweet Sensation.”
Seasoned, mature, professional, confident, dedicated, Roy comes well qualified and equipped for his new assignment.
Richard Z.
Roy is a very impressive manager. He is very thorough in any assignment he is given. He never handles a problem haphazardly. Time is not a problem for him, his job comes first.
John K.
Jam Fest 31 could not have succeeded without your sterling contribution and commitment. I am deeply grateful for all your hard work there and for your unflagging spirits.
Margaret B.
See what it’s like working alongside a manager with over 20 years of contacts & experience.